- Portrait Painting in Oil, October 22 - November 12, (various times, please see below), Saturdays
Portrait Painting in Oil, October 22 - November 12, (various times, please see below), Saturdays
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Instructor: Denise Laurin
October 22: 10am-2pm
November 5: 10am-4pm
November 12: 2-4pm
Realist portrait and figurative artist Denise Laurin will guide students of all levels toward success in traditional oil portrait painting. The objective of this course is to introduce observational strategies that help achieve likeness and realistic accuracy. Students will learn proportion basics, value, color mixing, color temperature and oil technique. Bring two or three 8” x 10” photo references of your subject’s head and neck area. Choose a photo with a range of values and clear detail. One will be chosen for painting. New and continuing students are welcome. Supply list on the website or at the gallery.