Award Winners for "Shortcuts" January 2015
Best Of Show: Neil Pradzinski
Along the Way (pictured)
Best Theme: Gary Brown
Short Cut
Merit Awards:
Hedy Dawson - On the Pond
Barbara Colbert - Heading Home
Theo Clark - Genesis
Susan R. Wilson - Boat Waiting
Mary Kodl Truesdale - Peaceful Stroll
in the Park
Judged by: Irene Boutzarelos
Along the Way (pictured)
Best Theme: Gary Brown
Short Cut
Merit Awards:
Hedy Dawson - On the Pond
Barbara Colbert - Heading Home
Theo Clark - Genesis
Susan R. Wilson - Boat Waiting
Mary Kodl Truesdale - Peaceful Stroll
in the Park
Judged by: Irene Boutzarelos