Friday Fusion-Collage, October 3-November 7, 2025, (10:30am-1:00pm), 6 Fridays
Instructor: Laura Lein-Svencner
Working with the season of Fall and the richness of color students will learn how to collage with the process of tacking down collage paper with a house iron instead of wet glue. We will create our own collage papers from repurposed sources of found papers. Arranging them in nice compositions and tacking them down on substrates of watercolor paper or wood panels. We will also be extending our knowledge of good design with the elements and principles weaved in our foundation.
Supply list: on the website or ask by email.
An instructor fee of $10.00 (is payable to the teacher) and this will include use of tack irons, tissue paper, assortment of papers, hand-out packets and anything else the instructor brings to share.